Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Art of the Blog Giveaway

So you've got a blog and now you want to engage your audience.

"I know! I'll do a giveaway!"

That's great. BUT. Before you do any giveaway you should know three distinct things:

  1. What is the purpose of the giveaway? (Do you want more Facebook Likes? Are you promoting a brand?)
  2. What are the specific outcomes you'd like? (This would be more specifically the # of Facebook likes/Twitter follows or the percentage of increase for yourself and/or the brand)
  3. How can my giveaway put my blog in front of more people's eyes? (This should always be a primary goal of any giveaway or promotion)

In this series, we'll go into why giveaways can be beneficial, how to even get stuff to give away and how to make sure you're really benefiting in the process. I've even included two case studies: one of a successful blog promotion and one not-so-successful one, to illustrate how you can create better giveaways!

Here are the parts in the series:

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